15 x 0.3 x 0.45 Metre Flow Channel
Learning outcomes
- Sluice gate for investigations into hydraulic jump, specific energy and the determination of discharge coefficient.
- Submerged sharp-crested weir reveals the relationship between head over a weir and discharge.
- A broad-crested weir and the effects of changing the profile of the weir.
- Uniform flow in an inclined channel with investigations into the Chezy factor and coefficient.
- A Venturi flume to indicate the discharge and surface profile, thus the derivation of the discharge coefficient.
- The broad-crested weir
- The Parshall flume
- The Crump weir
- Flow round bridge piers – cylinder, round nose, square and sharp nose
- Flow over a spillway
- Friction in a uniform channel with roughened bed
- Paddle and blocking plate
- Wave generator and beach
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15 x 0.3 x 0.45 Metre Flow Channel
Large Flume - Fluid Mechanics