There is shortage of civil engineers in Indonesia, particularly those that have the necessary expertise to support the growth of the infrastructure required within the country. Universities like TIDAR have been raising the standards of education using a competency-based curriculum that meets the requirements of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). An important element of this is teaching using practical didactic methods. After putting the project for fluid mechanics practical teaching equipment out to tender, they opted to purchase the teaching equipment from TecQuipment, working with Jitrasindo, TecQuipment’s specialist provider within the country.
The Civil Engineering Programme at TIDAR University covers the design, construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of buildings. The recently acquired equipment from TecQuipment that focuses on the water resources engineering element of the teaching syllabus covering flow and pressure measurement, laminar and turbulent flow, open channel flow, hydrology, hydrostatics and properties of fluids.
Getting Hands on With Engineering Principles for Understanding Fluids
TIDAR University’s Faculty of Engineering’s lab includes the following teaching apparatus.
Flow and Pressure Measurement
- Flow Visualisation Channel (FC15)
- Pressure Measurement Bench (H30)
- Flow Meter Calibration (H40) and Orifice Flow Metre (H40C)
- Flow Measurement Methods Experiment (H10)
- Discharge Over a Notch (H6)
- Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F)

Laminar and Turbulent Flow

Open Channel Flow
- 5M Flow and Sediment Transport Channel (FC80)
- Crump Weir Experiment (FC80D)
- Dam Spillway (FC80E)
- Parshall Flume (FC80H)
- Roughened Bed (FC80K)
- Wave Generator and Beach (FC80N)
- Bridge Piers (FC80J)
Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids

Solid Support Services
The team at TIDAR University benefit from a comprehensive support service from TecQuipment. This is delivered by combining the knowledge of the local TecQuipment Sales Partners, in this case Jitrasindo; and the highly skilled customer service team based at TecQuipment’s headquarters in the UK.