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Sales Partners

Select country/region to display contact and company details for your local TecQuipment representative.

Country Sales Partner Contact details
Malaysia Supreme Didactic Sdn Bhd www.supreme-didactic.com
(+60) 391310900
Mexico SUTEK www.sutek.com.mx
(55) 5255 4316
Nigeria Femimat www.femimat.net
Pakistan Chishty Traders Ltd www.chishtytraders.com
(+92) 4236371724
Palestinian Territories Labtech for Advanced Solutions (+970)-2-2971253
Peru Nucleotech www.nucleotechsac.com
(511) 422-6482
Philippines State Alliance Enterprises Inc www.sae.com.ph
(+63) 351 2535 / 333 3207 / 242 4512
Poland MGS Pomoce Dydaktyczne www.pomoce-dydaktyczne.eu
(12) 353 83 00
Portugal Equiditec www.equiditec.pt/intro/home
(+44) 0115 972 2611
Russia Advanced Technologoes www.adv-techno.ru/about/
8 (800) 250 71 06
Singapore ACRE Engineering Pte Ltd www.acre.com.sg
(+65) 64563111
South Korea Young-Il Education System www.yes01.co.kr
