
TecQuipment’s largest open-circuit subsonic wind tunnel, with a working section of 600 mm by 600 mm and 1250 mm long, is for the study of advanced aerodynamics theory and research. With the larger size comes greater visualisation and more accurate results, operating at meaningful Reynolds numbers.
If you have any questions or you'd like to discuss a product, please call us.
+44 1159 722 611SUBSONIC WIND TUNNEL 600mm
Air passes into the AF1600 through a honeycomb flow straightener and a grille. It then passes into an aerodynamically designed effuser (cone) that accelerates the air in a linear manner before it moves through the working section. Finally it passes through a diffuser, then into the variable speed axial fan. The grille protects the fan from damage by loose objects. The air leaves the fan, passes through a silencer unit and then back out to atmosphere.
The speed of the axial fan (and therefore the air velocity in the working section) is controlled by an electronic drive control in the separate On/Off unit mounted on the tunnel’s associated instrument frame along with other ancillaries.
Working Section
The working section is of a square section with tapered chamfered corners and an acrylic roof and floor. The sides are full length acrylic panels, one side is hinged at the top and the other is removable. The whole unit is supported in an aluminium framework. Each side panel has a holder to support wind tunnel models. On the top of the working section are two Pitot devices and a wall tapping to measure the static pressure upstream and downstream of the working section.
Included with the wind tunnel
Three-Component Balance (AF1600T)
Measures lift, drag and pitching moment of models in the wind tunnel.
Balance Angle Feedback Unit (AFA4)
(Included with AF1600T). Measures the angular position of models mounted on the balance in the wind tunnel.
Dual differential Pressure Display (DP6)
Measures and displays pressures with respect to the atmosphere or differential pressures.
32-Way Pressure Display Unit (AFA6)
Measures and displays up to 32 different pressures from models’ Pitot-static tubes and other measuring instruments fitted to the wind tunnel.
Pitot-Static Traverse (AFA7)
A traversing Pitot static tube with electronic position measurement.
Pitot-Static X/Y Traverse (AF1600XY)
A traversing (X and Y plane) Pitot static tube with electronic position measurement.
For assisting with setting up models and rotating them during experiments.
Model holder
To hold models when the three component balance is not used. Also to hold users own models.
Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS-F)
A frame-mounting versatile data acquisition system (VDAS®) to allow computer-based data capture.
Cylinder Model with pressure Tapping (AF1600a)
A cylinder model with a pressure tapping that spans the full width of the working section.
Optional extras include
Multi-Tube manometer (AFA1)
A tilting 36-tube manometer.
Smoke Generator (AFA11)
To assist with visualising air flow.
Learning outcomes
AF1600s is designed to be flexible and utilised for a variety of possible experiments designed by our customers.
Typical examples include:
- Flow past bluff and streamlined bodies with pressure and velocity observations in the wake
- Investigations into boundary layer development
- Influence of aspect ratio on aerofoil performance
- Pressure distribution around a cylinder under sub-critical flow conditions
- Study of characteristics of models involving basic measurement of lift and drag forces
- Study of the characteristics of three-dimensional aerofoils involving measurements of lift, drag and pitching moment
- Study of the pressure distribution around an aerofoil model to derive the lift, and comparison with direct measurements of lift
- Drag force on a bluff body normal to an air flow
- Flow visualisation